
Ansari Hostel is available for girls only. Students from Class V to XII of Dayapuram Residential School can apply for admission. Ansari Hostel tries to ensure that our student residents are made to feel at home. It is not just the students’ home away from home, but they get to enjoy the additional benefits of community living. The purpose of Ansari Hostel is to promote the development of students as ethically sound individuals and responsible community members in an enriching environment. It is expected that the residents will maintain complete harmony, togetherness and amity irrespective of their background, caste and creed, showing best instance of Dayapuram culture. It provides an environment favourable for self-learning and maximises opportunities for social, cultural and extra-curricular involvement. We wholly subscribe to the idea that the personal development of students can best be nurtured and supported through living in a community environment.

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